Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Arbitrator Intelligence (AI)?
AI is an information aggregator that collects and analyzes information about arbitrators’ track records, which parties and counsel can use to better inform their arbitrator selection.
How is feedback provided?
Participants complete an online survey or participate in a call to share feedback about arbitrators’ track records and case management.
Does AI ask for confidential information?
NO! Arbitrator Intelligence seeks facts and feedback about arbitrators. Not parties’ names or details. Not operative facts of the case. No case-specific legal issues.
How long does it take to provide feedback?
It takes approximately 15 minutes to provide feedback either by completing our online feedback survey or participating in a call with a member of our team.
Will arbitrators or users know who provides feedback?
To take our online feedback survey, you must register (for quality control purposes), but your name and identity will never be revealed to either arbitrators or users.
Why should I provide feedback?
Lots of reasons! Do your part to increase transparency. Share your knowledge about new & diverse arbitrators. Earn credit that you can use when you need feedback and information about arbitrators you are considering for appointment.
Who can provide feedback?
Counsel (both inside and external counsel) as well as parties (corporations, individuals, and States) who were involved in the case.
As an arbitrator, how can I have information about my experience available on AI’s website for parties and counsel who may consider appointing me to see?
Encourage parties and counsel to provide feedback online or by telephone at the end of your next case. Sign up for a video interview! Take our Arbitrator Perspectives Survey! Contact us for more information.
What does AI do with feedback provided?
AI analyzes the feedback and creates Reports on individual arbitrators that include both details about their case management and unique insights provided by individuals around the world who have appeared before them.
How did Arbitrator Intelligence start?
Arbitrator Intelligence was originally a research project developed at Penn State University. It transitioned from research idea and non-profit into a legal tech startup with the assistance and support of Invent Penn State. Arbitrator Intelligence’s corporate headquarters are in Pennsylvania. Some of its early investors come from Pennsylvania, such as the Ben Franklin Technology Associates, and those investors are committed to local economic development in Pennsylvania. For these reasons, Arbitrator Intelligence has strong ties to Pennsylvania, even if its operations and reach are truly global.